Now I know I’ve hit the big time

A few times in recent days, I’ve made the joke that the only people left in the world who use Internet Explorer to browse the Internet are three or four Laplanders from high Arctic Finland.

During the night last night, I got hate mail from not just one but two actual Arctic Laplanders, one of whom was downright profane. The other one, and I swear to Holy Christ I am not making this up, cited a Web browser usage survey as evidence that, rather than being neo-Luddite refuseniks, Finlanders are actually less likely to use Internet Explorer than any national or ethnic population anywhere in the world.

Yes, apparently somebody took a whole survey just for that.

So for the record and in the spirit of international cooperation, Arctic Laplanders do not still use Internet Explorer, and Finlanders as a group are lovable and jolly people.

Now Swedes, on the other hand … Swedes just ...