Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes

I had a little Mac-related emergency this morning. Not really an emergency, I guess, but more of a false alarm. Anyway, it was bad enough. Rather than taking the time to fix it, I decided to just do a fresh install of Tiger on my backup disk and move my files over. Quicker and easier.

A word about how I do things: I have two identical 200 GB hard disks in my Mac, plus a couple extras for storage. Normally one disk acts as a live backup for the other; if one of my disks ever just totally crashes — which happens; don’t think it doesn’t — I’ll be able to just boot off the other disk and lose at most 24 hours’ worth of work.

Today my problem was software instead of hardware, so I erased my backup drive and installed Mac OS X on it, then just rebooted and copied my files over. Easy as pie.

While my files were moving around, I went for a run. Holy hell, it’s hot out there for the last day of summer. It’s 99° right now according to my little weather widget dealy. It’s hot enough that I decided I was done running way before I’d intended to. Now I’m sitting here sweating, waiting to cool down so I can shower off the uck.

Tonight’s the season finale of “Battlestar Galactica,” dammit. It seems like just yesterday they shot Adama. Now it’s the end of the season again? Life just ain’t fair.

If you haven’t been watching “Battlestar Galactica,” do not try to jump into the middle. Seriously. The writers do not take the time in each episode to explain who these people are and what their relationships mean. Instead, go get the first-season box set of the show. It includes the whole first season plus the very important three-hour pilot that aired way back in 2003. Amazon’s got it on sale for $42, which isn’t shabby at all. While you’re there, pick up a copy for me from my wish list.